Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Who Is Your Doppelgänger?!

Today I'm linking up with the beautiful and hilarious Raven of A Momma's Desires and Pacifiers!

I'm sure that everyone has seen or heard of the generators that tell you which celebrity you look like, after you upload a picture of yourself. I decided to get in on this link up and it has proven to be very entertaining.

Raven suggested this website.

The first picture is the one that I uploaded to the site, followed by my top "look a like."

My Number One Match:

 So out of ALL celebrities, my closest match is Fred Durst. Clearly from the picture I uploaded, I absolutely look like a bald man with a mustache/beard combo, no? Following Mr. Durst is Oscar de la Renta, Joseph Biden,  Michael Bloomberg, Prince Harry, Richard Dreyfuss, Rob Schneider, Boris Becker, Bruce Willis and finally, Angelina Jolie. My top nine "look a likes" are men. There is only one woman in the mix. Haha 

I then decided to see Joshua's "look a like."

Again, the picture I uploaded followed by his number one match.

Please excuse his goofy face. It's the only picture I have of him by himself, without a really goofy face and without sunglasses on.

Joshua's Number One Match:

Jennie Garth

My man looks like Jennie Garth. No way! Although, I wouldn't mind if it said he looked like her husband soon to be ex-husband. His other matches were: Michael Douglas, Renee Zellweger, Naomi Watts, Sheryl Crow, Jennifer Lopez, George Clooney, Rebecca Romijn-Stamos, John Malkovich, and Cate Blanchett. My man looks like a lady, besides the three men mentioned. Do you see his skin color? It's not quite the same as Jennie's. Ha!

Who is your look a like? Go find out and let me know!


  1. Oh my gosh, I totally need to do this, just because it's ridiculous and hilarious! Fred Durst??? Fer reals??? (c:

  2. Hello Miss Fred Durst Look alike! Haha! I nominated you for a Getting to Know You Award and the Liebster Award. Check it out!

  3. haha this is too funny that you got paired with a guy and josh got paired with jenni. Silly doppleganger! Hope you had a great weekend!
