Thursday, October 25, 2012

This Morning

This morning was spent making cupcakes...

making messes

and learning lessons.

I have always been the kid to not read directions carefully on homework, tests, etc. and apparently I am still learning that lesson at 24 years old. Luckily though, I was able to teach Catherine (one of the children I nanny) a lesson from my mistake.

She is in kindergarten and has homework a few times a week. She gets so frustrated when I stop her to read the directions. Today, she learned that lesson from my mistake and that was a beautiful thing. 

Lesson of the day: When a recipe tells you to beat soft butter until creamy, you beat soft, not melted butter, by itself, not with the other ingredients, until creamy and fluffy. If not, you will waste 2 batches of icing and be annoyed with yourself. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Isaac is finally gone and most of our town has power. I really feel for those that are still without power. We didn't really suffer without it, but when power is out for a few days it makes you grateful for lights and AC. I really have more that I want to share and say about that, but I'm going to save that for another day.

Today, is fabulous for a couple reasons.

College football! I am beyond excited to watch our LSU Tigers play tonight!! Hopefully Joshua gets off of work in enough time to watch it. Oh, you thought Josh was off on weekends? Ha, Not!!


It's September 1st!!

I am so ready for cooler weather. Louisiana summers are hot, humid, sticky and gross. Fall and winter are my favorite seasons. Unfortunately though, Louisiana has two seasons: Gross Hot and Not as Hot. :) I am always cold though, so I feel like I get to have fall and winter sometimes. Some Decembers are spent in jeans and sweaters while others are spent in short sleeve shirts with capris. No joke. Let's see what happens this year...hopefully cold, crisp air!!

I hope y'all have a great weekend!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Oh, Isaac

It's really been almost 2 months since my last post. 

So unplanned. 

Oh well.  

Moving on.

If you don't know, I live in Louisiana. Houma to be exact. It's about 45 minutes south of New Orleans. Near where Mr. Isaac is thinking of visiting.


Isaac, please be sweet. You have already hit other places and made a mess. Don't come make a mess here.

 I'm not too nervous, although this has been the first hurricane that I have had to be a large help in picking everything up, planning for "what ifs", and getting supplies rounded up. It's not as fun as it was when my mom and dad would take care of things, especially the worrying part.

 I haven't looked at the news yet today, but as of yesterday it was projected to not be above a category 2, which is nothing to the people here. People in Houma are stocking up beer, water and food.        Wal-Mart was out of bread yesterday. Gas stations have lines to the road to get gas and people are filling up all of their extra gas cans. Schools are closed.

I was suppose to be going to Gulf Shores with the family I work for this coming weekend. Yea, I'm pretty sure that's not gonna happen. haha


So true. Ha!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Letters


Dear Friday, I am so happy you are here! Please make time fly until 2:00pm, then slow down. I have a bunch of stuff to do before getting on the plane to.... Conway, South Carolina, I cannot wait to fly to you this afternoon!! We will have loads of fun! Dear Joshua, I will miss you so much and I hope you will miss me the same amount, or more...missing me less than I will miss you is not an option. Okay? Dear N.O., Atlanta, and Myrtle Beach Airport employees, watch out for me, don't let the planes take off without me, and be nice. If you are nice to me, I'll be nice. If you are not nice, I'm afraid I will say things jokingly aloud that could put me on a no fly list. No bueno. Dear Bloggy Friends, I am aware that I am not quite a "regular" blogger yet, but I feel the desire to tell you that I will not be blogging while in South Carolina. I'm not planning on bringing my computer!! Crazy? Maybe. Have a great weekend! Dear Ashley, I am so happy that you host Friday Letters every week!! Have a fabulous weekend!

Linking up here.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Life With Joshua

Joshua and I have been together for almost 2 1/2 years. He means so much to me and makes me so happy! He does things that make me want to pull my hair out and things that make me just stare at him in disbelief..nothing "bad", just things that I would never do...sometimes in funny way.

This is obviously a very old picture..don't hate. :) haha

With that being said, I am going to share my most recent "situation". 

Monday afternoon, I realized that I did not have my wallet.

 *Insert crazy, panic face here.* 

I started flipping my purse and house upside down looking for it. I called Joshua and asked him to check his car and apartment for my wallet. I am flying to South Carolina on Friday, so having no access to money and my license is not an option. Of course, he didn't find it after he "searched" for it.

I looked all over at work today to see if I left it there, trashed my house again today looking for the wallet and still didn't find it. I decided that I would start canceling cards and get a new license tomorrow, Wednesday, but I still had a feeling that I could find it. So, I went to Joshua's work and borrowed his keys to check his car for myself.

I unlocked the car and  immediately saw my wallet. I didn't even have to search. I saw it on the passenger's floor board when the car lights came on.

Never send a man to be a woman's job. :-)

I hope you are having a great week!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Nothing Exciting

Well the weekend came and went as always. I would prefer to work longer hours during the week and have a three day weekend. You in?

This weekend was one spent being lazy and getting 0 of the 198 things I need to get done, done. I was pretty busy last week and didn't give Elliot the amount of time out of his cage that he needs and deserves, so he was out most of the day Saturday. Joshua had work...what's new? 

Sunday was Father's Day (duh) and Joshua was able to come to lunch with my dad and I. My dad and I went to see a movie after while Joshua went to his Granddad's for their family get together. We saw Snow White and the Huntsman. I know, I have already seen it...but it WAS that good! I didn't get any pictures of my dad and I on Sunday, but here is an oldie.

This picture is way older than I care to admit. Note to self: More pictures with Dad.

After the movie, Joshua and I were going to go to his dad's grave but got busy at his Grandma's. His dad died about 5 years ago from cancer. They found out way too late and it took him quickly. I get so sad for Joshua, his sisters and his mom when I think about it. I have cried several times, just thinking about it. My dad could have been killed in a boating accident last year, the day before Father's day, so when I think about Joshua not having his dad and think about how I could have had mine taken away, the tears start to gush from my eyes. I also get sad that I never got the opportunity to meet him, but I try to push those feelings away because that is so selfish of me. I mostly mourn for Joshua and his family. Joshua looks just like his daddy, except his dad let a huge caterpillar live under his nose. :) He really had the thickest mustache I have ever seen...from what I can tell from the pictures.

Well, I hope you are all having a great start to your week!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Weekend

I am aware that it's almost the weekend, but I never said anything about last weekend!

It was so much fun!

I wouldn't consider myself a big party person or one that stays out super late...but I do on occasion and it's always a blast!

Joshua's co-worker Derrick had been wanting to meet my friend Dani because, well she's gorgeous. So, he invited all of us to a Voo Doo football game. The Voo Doo team is the arena football team in New Orleans. Dani agreed, mainly because she wanted to see the Voo Doo dance team (not impressive) and because she would get a chance to hang out with her favorite redhead. (that's me ;))

The weather was gross. It rained most of the day and was pretty windy too, but that didn't ruin our fun.

These pictures were taken with my that explains why they are horrendous. 
 I considered us to be pretty close to the field. The field is only 50 yards and when they push and tackle each other, they sometimes fly into the seats. Scary.

Obviously the boys were not in the mood for the paparazzi.

Our team lost. :( The score was 48-51. Oh well, we were not that upset.

After the game, Derrick wanted to go to Harrah's casino. I'm not big on casinos and neither is Josh. We just don't get a lot of entertainment from it. It was still fun. The boys went to try to win me lots of money while Dani and I found something better to do.


So yummy since we were apparently in a freezer, not a casino that people hang out at.

The boys played for just 30 minutes before they were bored. I did not complain. Ha
So, we went to the club that is inside of the casino. I forgot the name of it, but it was fun. It was more entertaining to watch the little 22 year old boys (NOT Josh and Derrick, boys we didn't know) try to flirt with the married women that had to be at least 40. Silly boys. I'm pretty sure they left with their tail between their legs.

After that, we got a wild hair and ventured to Bourbon. Not the best idea for my hair. It turned into a huge, humid, bozo looking mess. Of all the days I do not carry a ponytail holder, it was that day. So, I went into the little shops looking to buy some, but had to settle for a rubberband. 

Later on, someone dropped a beer bottle on Joshua's foot causing it to bleed and because he was drinking, the blood came pouring out. I was not a happy girlfriend and I am so glad I was not next to him when it happened. I highly doubt I will ever get into a fight with someone and I probably would not have said anything, but if someone tells you redheads can shoot fire balls from their's true. ;-) Anyway, I was very nervous about the cut. He went to the bathroom and cleaned it up and the cut is way smaller than we were thinking. Thank goodness!  

After that mess, we continued to dance and have a blast. Then we looked at our watches. It was 3:00 AM! I don't really remember the last time I stayed up that late, much less out dancing. I'm not trying to act like this was the most fun/crazy night of my life, but this is very uncommon for any of us.

We were on the way home, got to a very important bridge to cross to get home...and it was closed!! We had to take a huge detour and didn't get home until around 6:30. Ridiculous.

It's safe for you to assume that Sunday was spent taking naps during the day and full of baggy clothes...and showers..we were gross.

I hope everyone is having a great week!!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday's Letters

First off, two posts in one day?!?!

Moving on.

I'm linking up with Ashley today.

Dear Joshua, I really hope that you learn to iron your clothes before you need them. I'm not a fan of ironing. Thanks. Dear Friday, You took SO long to get here! On the other hand, you gave me all green lights on the way to work. That was awesome. Dear Weekend, we're gonna have fun!! Let's sneak in a little productivity though. We'll leave that for Sunday. Dear turtle in the front yard, I am pretty sure you were digging that hole to lay eggs in when I accidently scared you away. Please come back and lay those eggs so we can watch those babies come out! Dear Grandma Betty (Joshua's Grandma), I am so excited that you are finally leaving the hospital today!! You have been in there for about a month. I can't wait to visit you more since you will be a lot closer. Dear Bloggy Friends, Have a fabulous weekend!!

Ladies Night

My friends and I don't see each other enough and it's a little sad. We are all doing lots of things, a few are married, one has a baby and the rest of us are just working and have stuff going on. It's getting harder and harder to have time to see each other, but no matter how many days pass by without seeing each other, it's like we were hanging out yesterday. 

We started attempting to have "Ladies Night" on Thursdays. We've only had 3 weeks of this, but I am loving it. We don't all always make it, but it's a night that we at least attempt to get together. 

Last night we saw.....

It did not disappoint! We all loved it. I would go see it again right now. I will definitely be purchasing it when it comes to DVD. I was not sure if I would like Kristen Stewart as Snow White, but she was fantastic. The casting department did a great job picking the entire cast. I definitely think that this movie will move Kristen out of the "Twilight girl" group. That movie launched her career, but I think it would be something hard to break free from, to just be known for the Twilight movies. I feel like Daniel Radcliffe will be know as Happy Potter forever, or until he is in a super popular movie. He's not in the movie, just being used as an example. :)

Anyway, if you have been thinking about seeing the movie, it's worth the arm that you have to pay to see it. To save money, you could just bring snacks from home and sneak in cheaper Icees in your large purse not buy concession stand snacks and drinks. :)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


They may not be "real" babies, but they are "real" babies in my eyes. I haven't talked about them much, and they each deserve their own post, but I think a little introduction is in order. :)

My Oldest Baby

He will be 15 years old at the beginning of July.
With his old age, is coming some changes, obviously. He is going blind, almost deaf, would stay in bed all day, if allowed and is starting to have a temper like we have never seen him have before. While cutting his nails this past weekend, he got very aggressive and tried snapping at my mom. He has never snapped at her like that! He is also FINALLY getting over a skin allergy. Although he is getting old and more of his hair is beginning to turn gray, he is still a sweet "puppy" and a great snuggler. :-)

Most Talkative Baby


Elliot just turned 4 in May. Shame on me for not doing a birthday post for him. He is an Eclectus parrot. The males are mainly green and the females are mainly red. Gorgeous!  I got him at a bird fair in town. A local woman breeds them. I have had too many birds for one person, I just had bad luck with them. My first bird was a parakeet and once I saw Elliot, I convinced myself, and my mom, that a bigger bird would be easier for me to handle. When talking to the breeder and asking her questions, she told us that these birds are like 2 year olds. She is right on point! He has an attitude and wants what he wants, when he wants it. He cracks us up when he talks and brings so much joy to our lives everyday.

Newest Baby

After my car was totaled, I finally decided on a Nissan Altima. I've had it for about 7 weeks. I love it, even though someone already backed up into it!!! I really don't understand stupidity, but that man is full of it. On the bright side, I can still drive it and his insurance is going to pay to have it fixed. I bring it to be looked at on June 20th. 

Friday, June 1, 2012


I hope y'all have a great weekend! 

If you are looking for a fun, easy dessert, I have just the thing! 

I got this recipe from this young and fabulous girl. Check out her blog! 

So, lets get started. 

Joshua's favorite cake is the boxed confetti kind, and I though that this would be up his ally. I made these for Josh and his coworkers while they slave away all weekend.

Cake Batter Rice Krispie Treats

Not a great picture, but you get the idea. :)


3 Tbsp butter
1 (10 oz) bag of mini-marshmallows
1/4 C of yellow cake mix {just the dry mix}
6 C Rice Krispie Cereal
1 container of sprinkles {my favorite part :)}


Melt the butter in a large saucepan on low heat and add marshmallows. Stir them in until they start to melt, then add  the dry cake mix a little at a time so it can be combined easily. Stir in the rice krispies until it is completely covered in the butter and marshmallow mixture. Pour half of the sprinkles in and mix. Press the mix into a baking dish and put the rest of the sprinkles on top. You can use any size dish. Let it sit for 30 minutes before cutting.


I'm a little upset that I didn't do Friday Letters today, but I'll get back to that next week.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday's Letters

Today, I am linking up with the beautiful Ashley from Adventures of Newlyweds for Friday's Letters!


Lets get started.

Dear hair, I understand that my haircut is a little shorter than usual, but is that a good enough reason to be so out of control? Dear Baker Hughes (boyfriend's employer), Please stop working your men so hard. Joshua felt the need to take a nap during his lunch break, in the mall parking lot, where mall goers called mall security to check on him because he was asleep. Not cool! Funny, but not okay. Dear Elliot, I had a great late afternoon with you outside just lying down on the hammock. I love watching your reaction to other birds outside, bugs and the neighborhood noise. Dear Austin (brother), I am so excited for your school trip to Israel, but very nervous about you being in another country for 6 weeks. Please be safe and come home in one piece. Dear Chambray shirts, After seeing so many of you in different blog posts today, I am on the search for one of you.  Please come easily to me and don't hide. Also, be in my price range. That would be great. Dear Blog Friends, Have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

National Chocolate Chip Day

In honor of National Chocolate Chip day, and because I had bananas that were going bad, I have a yummy recipe to share!

I got this recipe from this cute new momma! She is super sweet and so is her handsome baby boy!

Chocolate Chip Banana Bread


3 or 4 ripe bananas, smashed (I use 3)
1/3 cup melted butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg, beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon baking soda
pinch of salt
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
4 tablespoons chocolate chips


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Mix the butter and mashed bananas in a large mixing bowl. Next, mix in the sugar, egg, and vanilla extract. Sprinkle the baking soda and salt over the mixture and stir in. Add the flour and mix. Sprinkle 3 tablespoons of the chocolate chips into the batter. Pour mixture into a buttered 4"x8" loaf pan. Top with the remaining tablespoon of chocolate chips. Bake 45 minutes-1hour (mine takes 45 minutes). 

This bread is so easy to make and so delish!! 

What are you making for National Chocolate Chip Day?

Monday, May 14, 2012

Swamp People

Swamp People.

 Have you heard of it? 

It's a television show that is, in my opinion, very loosely based on alligator hunters. It follows and films several alligator hunters. My parents are not from here and I have never gone hunting for any kind of animal. I was very intrigued by this show, until I learned that it is so fake.

 I assumed that it was slightly exaggerated, but still watched it. I talked to people that have been alligator hunting and was told that the alligators don't fight the hunter as depicted on the show unless you do something to them. So, I stopped watching it. 

Just so you know, not all people from Louisiana are like those in the TV shows. I don't know anyone like the stars of Swamp People.

Moving on.

When I was watching Swamp People, my favorites were Glenn and Mitchell Guist. 

They are brothers and live off the land, just as their parents taught them. They live in, what I would consider a shack. No AC, electricity, or plumbing...from what I can tell anyway. They hunt alligators, squirrels, rabbits, and other animals to eat. I'm pretty sure they don't venture out of their little hide away. They are funny to watch, which was the only reason for watching them. I like all of the hunters, but those entertained me the most. Unfortunately though, Mitchell Guist died today. He apparently was on a boat, started having a seizure and fell out of the boat. Such a sad day for his family, but at least he died doing what he loved.

Friday, May 4, 2012

If I Was a Policewoman

Yesterday was not a great day. It was an off day at work, filled with children crying for no good reason. I know that sometimes, kids don't know how to communicate things properly and just throw a fit instead, but that doesn't take away at how annoying it is for them to be throwing a fit for no good reason. 

On my way home, there was a really bad wreck on the main road in Houma, which created loads of traffic. Two lanes of traffic needed to merge into one lane. That shouldn't be complicated right? Everyone acted like it was there first time driving. Not one person used a blinker, and that just aggravates me more than anything. Blinkers are not a luxury. They come in every car and are so easy to use, so why do so many people avoid using them, especially when in traffic?!?! If I was a policewoman, I would be the annoying one that tickets people for not using blinkers and going under the speed limit. Obviously a policeman is not going to ticket the 804 people that didn't use a blinker yesterday, but it just made me think, more than ever, that would be my number one reason for pulling people over.

Enough complaining. The traffic was due to a wreck, and one of the drivers or passengers was on the road, getting helped out by EMTs and when I saw that I just felt so lucky and blessed that I wasn't hurt in my wreck last month. Every wreck is different, but the damage to the car of the hurt person looked very similar to my car, just in a slightly different place. If the truck would have hit me more on my side, I could have been in a similar position as that man was yesterday.

In other grateful news, the coconut flavoring is back at Starbucks!! It is so delicious and is the great way I started off my Friday morning! Have a great weekend! Mine will probably be filled with Jazzfest, Cinco celebrations and more coconut flavored coffee drinks.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Thirteen Days

It's really been 13 days since my last post! I can't believe it! Almost two full weeks! I've been busy with a ton of stuff, but that's for another day. :)

Today I'm here to thank Chris from Chubbette Tales...Life after Spanks for my first blogger awards! Chris and I would totally be friends if we lived closer, that's my opinion anyway. Haha She is such a sweet girl and has great style! Check her out!

She nominated me for a Getting to Know You Award and the Liebster Award. Thanks girl!

Liebster Blog Award Rules:

Thank your Liebster Award presenter on your blog.
Link back the Blogger who awarded you.
Give your top 5 picks for the award.
Inform your top 5 by commenting on their blog.
Post the award on your blog.

Tell Me About Yourself Award Rules:

Thank and link back the person who awarded you.
Write 7 random things about yourself.
Spread the love to 15 more bloggers.

Since I am lazy love all of followers, you are all awarded both of these awards!! I have loved getting to see a glimpse into each one of your lives! It's crazy to me to find so many things in common with other girls that are thousands of miles away from me, along with some that are pretty close!!

So, now to the 7 random things about myself.

1. I record too much T.V. and will never be able to watch it all.

2. I was hit by a school bus in 7th grade. Technically I hit the moving bus. Everyone around me was in so much shock, it took a long time to get someone to help me up. It was so scary and so gross. The skin was hanging off of my arm, as if it was a peeling sunburn. Gross and Scary.

3. I had an underbite and had corrective surgery to fix it in 2005. My jaw was wired shut for 7 weeks. BEST DIET EVER! Seriously though, I got down to 89 pounds and it was gross, but the results are worth it. 

4. I am a nanny for a wonderful family with 4 children right now, but cannot wait to get back into dental assisting. 

5. My first job was at a daycare. I loved it and was there on and off for 4 years. The only reason I ever had for leaving was because of conflicting school schedules, then it was just time to move on. I would send my children there though, if I have any.

6. All of the experience I have had with children really makes me think I may be an older mother, like 30 years old, or that I might not become a mother myself. I LOVE children, but I think I might want to be the cool auntie that brings the kids to do stuff and have fun sleepovers instead of having my own children.

7. If I do have a little boy, I really want his name to be Wilson Reid, but Josh is not ok with that so it probably won't happen. When I have a baby, Wilson will be my maiden name, so I feel like I get to pass down something. Reid means redheaded, and I dream of possibly having a redheaded boy, and if not, it'll still be part of "me" going into the name. If I have a girl, well lets not go there.....

I hope y'all had a great weekend!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Who Is Your Doppelgänger?!

Today I'm linking up with the beautiful and hilarious Raven of A Momma's Desires and Pacifiers!

I'm sure that everyone has seen or heard of the generators that tell you which celebrity you look like, after you upload a picture of yourself. I decided to get in on this link up and it has proven to be very entertaining.

Raven suggested this website.

The first picture is the one that I uploaded to the site, followed by my top "look a like."

My Number One Match:

 So out of ALL celebrities, my closest match is Fred Durst. Clearly from the picture I uploaded, I absolutely look like a bald man with a mustache/beard combo, no? Following Mr. Durst is Oscar de la Renta, Joseph Biden,  Michael Bloomberg, Prince Harry, Richard Dreyfuss, Rob Schneider, Boris Becker, Bruce Willis and finally, Angelina Jolie. My top nine "look a likes" are men. There is only one woman in the mix. Haha 

I then decided to see Joshua's "look a like."

Again, the picture I uploaded followed by his number one match.

Please excuse his goofy face. It's the only picture I have of him by himself, without a really goofy face and without sunglasses on.

Joshua's Number One Match:

Jennie Garth

My man looks like Jennie Garth. No way! Although, I wouldn't mind if it said he looked like her husband soon to be ex-husband. His other matches were: Michael Douglas, Renee Zellweger, Naomi Watts, Sheryl Crow, Jennifer Lopez, George Clooney, Rebecca Romijn-Stamos, John Malkovich, and Cate Blanchett. My man looks like a lady, besides the three men mentioned. Do you see his skin color? It's not quite the same as Jennie's. Ha!

Who is your look a like? Go find out and let me know!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Target Goodness

I stopped by Target today after work to look for a swimsuit cover-up for an 8 year old I nanny for and went to the women's section to peruse a little, since I was there and all. ;-)

I've been trying to purchase less "wants" and trying to take quality of things more seriously. So, needless to say, I've been shopping less. I stopped myself from purchasing a few things today. So you go buy them, post pictures and let me be envious. 

How cute is this dress! I didn't actually see it in the store, but it is on the website. 

 I saw this dress at Target and almost tried it on. I love the color blocking trend, but really love the diagonal lines on this one. I feel like it would be more flattering for a short person like myself.

Target also has some rompers that look super cute. I saw them online, not in person. I tried to get the picture from the website, but I could't get it to work correctly. The romper comes in 4 cute patters, but my favorite is navy with little white birds. I might have to go back to Target and check if they have it. I didn't stay long because my body started shaking from not having anything in the buggy I didn't have a lot of time to spend.

Have you bought any Target goodness lately? 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Weekend Re-Capish

 Hey y'all! I hope y'all are having a great weekend! Last week was dragging for me so I was so happy for the weekend to show up! 

Saturday, Joshua, his friend Kent and I went to the LSU spring football game, ate lunch at Ruby Tuesdays and went back to LSU to watch the baseball game. It was pretty hot during the football game. Who forgot her skin is as white as paper and needs sunscreen everyday? That would be me. So this happened.
It isn't a horrible burn, but it's a reminder for me to go stock up on sunscreen. Just a little tip, if you do get a sunburn, if you put vinegar on a towel while you're in the bath it takes the burning away. I know it sounds crazy, but I feel like the vinegar really pulls something out of sunburned skin. I do have a friend who says it didn't help her, but it's the first thing I do if I get a sunburn.

Anyway, that's the only picture I have from Saturday. Oops! It was a fun day and the baseball team won, so that's always great. During a spring football game, the LSU players just play against each other. So, there's no real winner.

A little over a week ago, this happened.

Luckily, this was my only "injury".

It was such a scary thing and I am just so grateful that I was able to walk away from the wreck.
My insurance company called yesterday and confirmed what I already knew, my car is totaled. So today, I'm going to be researching cars, going to dealerships to look around at vehicles while the dealerships are closed so that I can look without having car salesmen fight over me like I'm the last piece of cake.

Car opinions are welcomed!! Help me out! haha

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Love/Hate Relationship With....

Today, I have a HUGE love/hate relationship with the internet.

It is awesome to be able to communicate with friends and family and also gives the privilege to make new friends! I prefer shopping on the internet also. I don't like to always have the same shirt or dress that everyone else has! It's easier to find different things on the internet. Besides, the mall in my town is a joke. I mainly go there to go to Dillard's. Sometimes I go to JcPenny's and the kids stores. For a real shopping trip, we head to New Orleans, not that I'm complaining. :) 

Currently, my power cord for my computer is holding on for dear life. Someone *cough Elliot cough* got hungry and bit really close to the part that plugs into the computer. No bueno. My dad wrapped it up with electrical tape and we are hoping for the best. haha A new power cord costs around $80. I of course have 567,876,098,987 that I would rather spend that money on. 

Of course since I'm an/a awesome horrible blogger, I have no pictures for this post. Awesome right? 


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Lets Close Our Eyes

Lets close our eyes and go back to Monday, since that's when I planned to have this post up.

Moving on.

This past weekend was so much fun! My weekends usually aren't too busy with things to do so it was a nice 

Saturday was my awesome friend Chelsey's baby shower! Chelsey is going to be the first person in our group of friends to have a baby and the excitement is killing us all! Not to mention, this baby girl will be the first grand-baby on her and her husbands side! She will be so spoiled and loved! I am so excited to meet her! Her name will be Savannah Colleen. I am in love with her name, but already have her nickname picked out, which will be Vannie. I love feeling her move around in Chelsey's belly, but I am so ready and excited for her to come out!! The shower was gorgeous. It was at Chris and Chelsey's home. Smart idea on their part. Their home was filled with yummy food, sweet decor and very excited guests! I, of course, have no pictures from the shower. 

Sunday, Josh and I went to the zoo!! I hadn't been in a few years and I had been nagging sweetly pushing Joshua to bring me. He hadn't been since he was in junior high! We saw lots of cool animals, Josh questioned my real age and the weather was very nice. Here are some pictures!

Audubon Zoo (New Orleans, LA)
 I love the flamingos!

 Real cotton candy!

 Joshua looking at the birds
Us. :-)

A couple of funny things happened at the zoo too.

Two duck/goose kind of things were eating a snack out of a metal baking pan and a rat tried to sneak a bite. One of the duck/goose things attacked that rat! It just bit the rat and that rat ran off so fast! The duck/goose that got the rat proceeded to open it's wings and make a ton of noise to let everyone know that he saved the snack! Haha

We saw the gorilla later. When we got there he was in the back of his enclosure leaning on a big rock. He then walked a little toward us and started picking grass to eat. He then ran as if he was going to jump over the fence!! Everyone moved back, because we were sure that we would be the next group on tv for a "When Zoo Animals Attack" sort of show. haha He stopped running when he got to the end of the grassy area then looked around at us. Joshua and I think he was playing around and trying to scare everyone for his own enjoyment. Ha! 

I hope you all had a great weekend!

Now open your eyes, because it's really Wednesday!