Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday's Letters

First off, two posts in one day?!?!

Moving on.

I'm linking up with Ashley today.

Dear Joshua, I really hope that you learn to iron your clothes before you need them. I'm not a fan of ironing. Thanks. Dear Friday, You took SO long to get here! On the other hand, you gave me all green lights on the way to work. That was awesome. Dear Weekend, we're gonna have fun!! Let's sneak in a little productivity though. We'll leave that for Sunday. Dear turtle in the front yard, I am pretty sure you were digging that hole to lay eggs in when I accidently scared you away. Please come back and lay those eggs so we can watch those babies come out! Dear Grandma Betty (Joshua's Grandma), I am so excited that you are finally leaving the hospital today!! You have been in there for about a month. I can't wait to visit you more since you will be a lot closer. Dear Bloggy Friends, Have a fabulous weekend!!


  1. That would be awesome if you got to watch some baby turtles hatch!

  2. Hope you had a great weekend!

  3. yay, love little letters. and turtles in your front yard, how crazy!!!
    xo TJ
