It's really been 13 days since my last post! I can't believe it! Almost two full weeks! I've been busy with a ton of stuff, but that's for another day. :)
Today I'm here to thank Chris from Chubbette Tales...Life after Spanks for my first blogger awards! Chris and I would totally be friends if we lived closer, that's my opinion anyway. Haha She is such a sweet girl and has great style! Check her out!
She nominated me for a Getting to Know You Award and the Liebster Award. Thanks girl!

Liebster Blog Award Rules:
Thank your Liebster Award presenter on your blog.
Link back the Blogger who awarded you.
Give your top 5 picks for the award.
Inform your top 5 by commenting on their blog.
Post the award on your blog.
Tell Me About Yourself Award Rules:
Thank and link back the person who awarded you.
Write 7 random things about yourself.
Spread the love to 15 more bloggers.
Since I am lazy love all of followers, you are all awarded both of these awards!! I have loved getting to see a glimpse into each one of your lives! It's crazy to me to find so many things in common with other girls that are thousands of miles away from me, along with some that are pretty close!!
So, now to the 7 random things about myself.
1. I record too much T.V. and will never be able to watch it all.
2. I was hit by a school bus in 7th grade. Technically I hit the moving bus. Everyone around me was in so much shock, it took a long time to get someone to help me up. It was so scary and so gross. The skin was hanging off of my arm, as if it was a peeling sunburn. Gross and Scary.
3. I had an underbite and had corrective surgery to fix it in 2005. My jaw was wired shut for 7 weeks. BEST DIET EVER! Seriously though, I got down to 89 pounds and it was gross, but the results are worth it.
4. I am a nanny for a wonderful family with 4 children right now, but cannot wait to get back into dental assisting.
5. My first job was at a daycare. I loved it and was there on and off for 4 years. The only reason I ever had for leaving was because of conflicting school schedules, then it was just time to move on. I would send my children there though, if I have any.
6. All of the experience I have had with children really makes me think I may be an older mother, like 30 years old, or that I might not become a mother myself. I LOVE children, but I think I might want to be the cool auntie that brings the kids to do stuff and have fun sleepovers instead of having my own children.
7. If I do have a little boy, I really want his name to be Wilson Reid, but Josh is not ok with that so it probably won't happen. When I have a baby, Wilson will be my maiden name, so I feel like I get to pass down something. Reid means redheaded, and I dream of possibly having a redheaded boy, and if not, it'll still be part of "me" going into the name. If I have a girl, well lets not go there.....
I hope y'all had a great weekend!!
Girly, of course we would totally be friends in person if we lived closer. Since neither of us are planning a move, we'll have to be totally friends over the blogs! I love your random facts! When I was 4 or 5 I almost got hit by a jeepney (Filipino bus). It literally skimmed me. My cousins and sisters weren't watching me. Fortunately I wasn't hurt, not a scratch... unfortunately our nanny saw the whole thing, told our dad and then we got spanked... for not being careful! AND you just totally made me feel old! NO babies yet and I'm passed 30. Insert sad face here.
ReplyDeleteThanks! Oh my goodness! That's crazy girl! I meant that I'm not even going to contemplate babies until thirty..and I really can't believe that you are older than 30! I thought that you were 28 at the oldest! One of your next posts has to be how you keep that skin so youthful! :)