Thursday, March 15, 2012


Hey y'all! What has everyone been up to? 

I went to my first Body Flow class on Tuesday and it was awesome! Body Flow is a mix of yoga, pilates and tai chi. I loved it, however, I had no balance on Tuesday, which is highly needed. I was in dancing for 14 years so I have balance, it's just lost. I'll have to find that soon.

I have been feeling so much happier since I've been working out. Summer is around the corner and I want to have a healthier body by then. I have been on Pinterest for some "pinsperation". haha

Here are a couple of my favorites:


Stand Up For Your Feet

images via Pinterest


  1. I really need to get on a good workout plan, glad its working for you! I have heard great things about body flow/pump...I need to get on that train.

    Have a great weekend!!!

    1. I'm so bad at responding! Sorry again! haha It's awesome and I love it!! Maybe it's offered somewhere near you?!
