Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Bad Blogger

I told myself that I would commit to a blog, and so far I am failing at that! Maybe blogging a few times a week should be my New Year's resolution? My stats show that I have had 9 views, which is exciting, but that isn't really making me want to keep blogging, no offense to you silent lookers. ;-) I do think that if my blog was super cute like the blogs I love to read, I would blog more. So, I guess that's what I'm off to do, find out how those awesome bloggers get awesome, colorful layouts!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


I adore boots and would love a closet full, unfortunately though, living in Louisiana means you could go without, but I don't. I have about 5 pairs, but this morning something tragic happened. I was looking for my favorite pair of boots and they are no where to be seen!! I have searched the entire house, car and asked the boyfriend if he has seen them in his car or apartment and they are lost! My boots must be so sad! No one to wear them, tell them they are beautiful, etc. They actually aren't as beautiful and magnificent as I am making them out to be, but I do love them. They are flat boots that reach a few inches below the knee and have minor details, but I think they are beautiful! Has anyone else really lost a pair of shoes?! I have no idea how I could really lose a pair of boots. Boots take up more space than a pair of flip flops so I really have no idea how I could have lost them! I am hoping they are just misplaced and that I find them REALLY in the next few minutes. I did bring some things to Goodwill a few days ago and maybe they got lost in the Goodwill bag? Hopefully the Goodwill peeps let me take a look in the bags I brought! Have a fabulous weekend!!

                                                                                        Love and Lost Boots, Virginia

Friday, December 9, 2011

Is There Enough Room for Another?

Hi! I'm Virginia. This is obviously my first blog post and I have nothing to really write about! I am new to the blog world and have been stalking viewing other bloggers who are amazing, talented and fabulous! I'm not sure what really brought me to wanting my own blog, but I was thinking it may make it easier for me to "follow" other blogs. Well, I guess that's it for today!! I'm off to finish this profile!
